- Hellboy II: The Golden Army2008
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Action
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Sucker Punch2011
- Action
- Fantasy
- Thriller
- Special Forces2011
- Action
- Drama
- War
- Mercenaries2014
- Action
- 5 Days of War2011
- War
- Drama
- Danger Zone2023
- Documentary
- RZ-92015
- Action
- Science Fiction
- The Distant Barking of Dogs2017
- Documentary
- War
- Operation: Jane Walk2018
- Documentary
- Heval2021
- Documentary
- Frost2017
- Drama
- Stacey on the Front Line: Girls, Guns and Isis2017
- War
- Documentary
- Nothing to be Afraid of2019
- Documentary
- A.I. At War2021
- Documentary
- Canine Soldiers: The Militarization of Love2016
- Documentary
- War
- Myth2018
- War
- Documentary
- Music
- The Manor2018
- War
- Tales of a Toy Horse2021
- Documentary
- A Different War2004
- Drama
- War
- Train “Kyiv-War”2020
- Documentary