- House of Frankenstein1944
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Elena and Her Men1956
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- Pearls of the Deep1966
- Comedy
- Madonna of the Seven Moons1945
- Drama
- Mystery
- A Soul Split in Two1993
- Drama
- Romance
- Banjaran1991
- Drama
- Romance
- The Gypsy Girl1953
- Drama
- A gray day, a blue day, just like the sea2012
- Drama
- Glamorous Night1937
- Drama
- The Jail Bride1968
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Eight Kilos of Happiness1980
- War
- Drama
- Fadime1970
- Romance
- Comedy
- Action
- Esmeralda2011
- Music
- The Love of a Gypsy Girl1911
- Drama