- Eternals2021
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- White Snake2019
- Romance
- Animation
- Fantasy
- The Odyssey2026
- Drama
- Adventure
- Action
- Black Site2018
- Action
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- The Golem2018
- Horror
- Drama
- The Outing1987
- Horror
- Bite2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- A Landscaped Area Too Quiet for Me2022
- Documentary
- Lisístrata2002
- Comedy
- Fountain of Youth
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- Black Wake2018
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Flatland2002
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Ritual of Death1990
- Horror
- Search for the Gods1975
- TV Movie
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Drama
- Hellboy Animated: The Dark Below2010
- Animation
- Adventure
- Action
- Fantasy
- Tar2020
- Horror
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Abyzou: Taker of Children2023
- Horror
- The X Species2018
- Mystery
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- The Gold Bug2014
- Comedy
- Drama
- Freydís and Gudrid2024
- Drama
- Music
- Romance