- King Kong Lives1986
- Fantasy
- Action
- Adventure
- Blood Work2002
- Thriller
- Crime
- Action
- Mystery
- El Encuentro2017
- Drama
- Dirty Work1998
- Comedy
- The Kane Files: Life of Trial2010
- Action
- Thriller
- The Man They Could Not Hang1939
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Crime
- Traffic2011
- Thriller
- Mama's Boy2018
- Comedy
- The Intruder2005
- Drama
- Night of the Bloody Apes1969
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Bato: Road to Death2024
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Pretty Little Dead Girl2017
- Mystery
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Heart of a Stranger2002
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Blood of the Vampire1958
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Threshold1981
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Heartless2005
- TV Movie
- Comedy
- Drama
- Das Wunder von Kapstadt2022
- Drama
- History
- TV Movie
- Aayushkalam1992
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Night of the Bloody Transplant1970
- Horror
- Bianca2012
- Drama