- Independence Day1996
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull2008
- Adventure
- Action
- Paul2011
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Zero Dark Thirty2012
- Thriller
- Drama
- Area 512015
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Mystery
- Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers2018
- Documentary
- 512011
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- The Area 51 Incident2022
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Area 51 Confidential2011
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Area 572007
- Science Fiction
- Mystery
- Comedy
- Area 51: The CIA's Secret2014
- TV Movie
- Documentary
- Groom Lake2002
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Escape from Area 512021
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Alien Domicile2017
- Horror
- Mystery
- Science Fiction
- Alien Interview: The Movie2025
- Documentary
- Lunopolis2010
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- Mystery
- Level Up
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Comedy
- Alien Highway2013
- Documentary
- Walking with the Tall whites Aftermath2024
- Documentary
- Showdown at Area 512007
- Science Fiction