- Persepolis2007
- Animation
- Drama
- Subway1985
- Action
- Thriller
- Over the Edge1979
- Crime
- Drama
- Green Room2016
- Horror
- Crime
- Thriller
- New York Minute2004
- Comedy
- Daft Punk Unchained2015
- Music
- Documentary
- The Decline of Western Civilization1981
- Documentary
- Music
- Sid and Nancy1986
- Drama
- Romance
- Savage Streets1984
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- The Driller Killer1979
- Horror
- Nana2005
- Romance
- Drama
- Music
- The Punk Singer2013
- Documentary
- Music
- A Band Called Death2013
- Documentary
- Music
- Fish Story2009
- Music
- Drama
- Comedy
- The Other F Word2011
- Music
- Documentary
- Drama
- Comedy
- Shut Up and Play the Hits2012
- Music
- Documentary
- Nana 22006
- Drama
- Music
- Romance
- Times Square1980
- Drama
- Music
- Punk: Attitude2005
- Documentary
- Music
- Hard Core Logo1996
- Drama
- Comedy
- Music