- The Karate Kid1984
- Action
- Drama
- Family
- Grease1978
- Romance
- Comedy
- Napoleon Dynamite2004
- Comedy
- Wish Upon a Star1996
- TV Movie
- Family
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- My Date with the President's Daughter1998
- TV Movie
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Romance
- The New Kids1985
- Drama
- Crime
- Horror
- Wild Boys of the Road1933
- Drama
- Rookies2022
- Documentary
- Music
- Action
- The Stepford Children1987
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Mystery
- Erin's Guide to Kissing Girls2023
- Comedy
- Family
- Romance
- Shake Your Tail2014
- Animation
- Music
- Slow Dance2018
- Drama
- War Dancing - Dance to Win1989
- Music
- Drama
- Romance
- Tout doit disparaitre2022
- Music
- Comedy
- Family
- Romance
- Stand Up for Your Friends2014
- Drama
- Hopeakihlajaiset1942
- Drama
- Tenderfoot1988
- Comedy