- Suzume2022
- Animation
- Drama
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- On Deadly Ground1994
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Midsummer's Equation2013
- Crime
- Drama
- Mystery
- Voyage to Melonia1989
- Animation
- Family
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- The Story of Stuff2007
- Animation
- Documentary
- Tarzan of Manisa1994
- Drama
- The Garden of Ecos1997
- Drama
- Animation
- Another Way: With Vegetables2015
- Documentary
- The Navel of the World2024
- Documentary
- This May Be the End2022
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Topophilia2015
- Documentary
- Libby, Montana2004
- Documentary
- History
- Global Dimming2005
- Documentary
- Blue
- Documentary
- Drama
- Canada Vignettes: Trees1978
- Animation
- Puzhayamma2019
- Drama