- Scent of a Woman1992
- Drama
- Comedy
- Eight Legged Freaks2002
- Action
- Comedy
- Horror
- Thriller
- Perfume: The Story of a Murderer2006
- Crime
- Fantasy
- Drama
- City Hunter2019
- Action
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Baby on Board2009
- Comedy
- Romance
- Jesus of Montreal1989
- Drama
- Possibly in Michigan1983
- Horror
- Music
- The Main Event1979
- Comedy
- Romance
- Jasminum2006
- Comedy
- Family
- Picture Snatcher1933
- Drama
- Action
- Crime
- The Stranger Inside2016
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- Grips, Grunts and Groans1937
- Comedy
- One Woman or Two1985
- Comedy
- Romance
- Mirrors1978
- Horror
- Thriller
- Inside the Dream: Mugler2024
- Documentary
- Love My Scent2023
- Romance
- Comedy
- Reframe THEATER EXPERIENCE with you2020
- Music
- The Nose - Searching for Blamage2013
- Documentary
- Supper for Two1947
- Comedy
- Romance
- Justin Bieber: The Key2013
- Fantasy