- The Assault2011
- Drama
- Action
- Thriller
- Papicha2019
- Drama
- Pépé le Moko1937
- Drama
- Crime
- Romance
- The Battle of Algiers1966
- Drama
- War
- History
- Pursuit to Algiers1945
- Mystery
- Crime
- Thriller
- Algiers1938
- Drama
- Mystery
- Romance
- Crime
- Casbah1948
- Music
- Crime
- The Cats Bah1954
- Animation
- Comedy
- Romance
- Family
- Hangman's House1928
- Thriller
- Drama
- Romance
- Viva Algeria2004
- Drama
- Alger la blanche1986
- Drama
- Bay of Algiers2012
- Comedy
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Prisoners of the Casbah1953
- Adventure
- Romance
- Tar Angel2003
- Drama
- Algiers2024
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Amour de vivre2010
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Tahia Ya Didou !1971
- Comedy
- Algeria 1943: A Colony Under Vichy Control2022
- Documentary
- History
- War
- Chroniques algériennes2021
- Documentary
- Fernand Pouillon, Une architecture habitée2017
- Documentary