- The Blues Brothers1980
- Music
- Comedy
- Action
- Crime
- Les Misérables2012
- History
- Drama
- Kin2018
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Short Term 122013
- Drama
- Nobody's Fool2018
- Comedy
- Romance
- Wild Bill2011
- Drama
- Stone2010
- Drama
- Thriller
- Action
- Mystery
- Pretty Poison1968
- Crime
- Drama
- Romance
- Thriller
- Shooting Fish1997
- Crime
- Comedy
- Romance
- Baby, the Rain Must Fall1965
- Drama
- Romance
- You and Me1938
- Crime
- Romance
- Comedy
- Normal2007
- Drama
- The Bad Guys: Little Lies and Alibis2025
- Animation
- Comedy
- Crime
- Family
- Invisible Stripes1939
- Crime
- Drama
- Let Go2011
- Comedy
- A Time to Die1991
- Thriller
- Action
- Lost for Life2013
- Crime
- Documentary
- The Wilding2012
- Drama
- Romance
- Saving God2008
- Crime
- Drama
- Outside the Wall1950
- Crime
- Drama
- Romance
- Thriller