- Life of Pi2012
- Adventure
- Drama
- Mr. Popper's Penguins2011
- Comedy
- Family
- Zookeeper2011
- Comedy
- Romance
- Family
- The Zookeeper's Wife2017
- Drama
- History
- War
- Owl and the Sparrow2007
- Drama
- The Zookeeper2001
- Drama
- War
- Ron the Zookeeper2007
- Animation
- Comedy
- Curiosity and Control2018
- Documentary
- The Reformer and the Redhead1950
- Comedy
- Romance
- Zoofobia2022
- Documentary
- Animation
- Pitchin' Woo at the Zoo1944
- Animation
- Comedy
- London Zoo at Christmas2022
- Documentary
- Alpine Zoos and You2020
- Documentary
- The Human Zoo2020
- Documentary
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Horror
- Tierpfleger / Tierpflegerin1991
- Documentary
- Year of The Monkey2019
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Una talpa al bioparco2004
- Comedy
- Romance