- Machete2010
- Action
- Comedy
- Thriller
- The Price We Pay2023
- Action
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Crime
- Horror
- The Painted Bird2019
- War
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Vault of Horror1973
- Horror
- The Last House on the Left1972
- Horror
- Thriller
- Crime
- Drama
- Salvage2006
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Rise of the Mummy2021
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Edge of Extinction2020
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Action
- Drama
- Raven Steel2024
- Action
- Western
- Comedy
- Dolcezza Extrema2015
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Fome2019
- Horror
- Justified Force2019
- Crime
- Action
- Drama
- No Redemption With... Don Mitraglia2012
- Action
- Western
- La notte quando è morto Pasolini2009
- Documentary
- Devourment: Official DVD 22007
- Documentary
- Music