- Exhuma2024
- Mystery
- Horror
- Thriller
- Never Grow Old2019
- Western
- The Salvation2014
- Drama
- Western
- The Comedy of Terrors1964
- Comedy
- Horror
- Crime
- The Executioner1963
- Comedy
- Drama
- Phantasm II1988
- Action
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Phantasm1979
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Ghosthouse1988
- Horror
- The Funeral Home2021
- Horror
- Pithamagan2003
- Action
- Drama
- Oblivion1994
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Western
- Comedy
- The Backwater Gospel2011
- Western
- Horror
- Animation
- Class Trip1998
- Mystery
- Drama
- The Undertaker and His Pals1966
- Comedy
- Horror
- The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw1958
- Western
- Comedy
- One-Hand Clapping2001
- Drama
- Comedy
- A One-Way Trip to Antibes2011
- Drama
- We All Go Up2024
- Science Fiction
- Broken Bird2024
- Horror
- Thriller
- Raspberry2021
- Drama
- Comedy