- Eli2019
- Horror
- Cats & Dogs2001
- Family
- Comedy
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Safe1995
- Drama
- The Wicker Man2006
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Wicked Stepmother1989
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- The Dark Place2014
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Horror
- Flicker2012
- Drama
- Overnight2012
- Comedy
- Romance
- Shellfish Knish2024
- Comedy
- Drama
- Die Eisbombe2008
- Drama
- Comedy
- The Big Hangover1950
- Comedy
- Eden2021
- Drama
- So You Think You're Allergic1945
- Comedy
- Suze2019
- Drama
- Romance
- Allergy2014
- Romance
- Drama
- Drop by Drop2015
- Documentary
- Monster Allergy2005
- Animation