The End We Start From

  • Drama
  • Thriller
  • Mystery


As London is submerged below floodwaters, a woman gives birth to her first child. Days later, she and her baby are forced to leave their home in search of safety. They head north through a newly dangerous country seeking refuge from place to place.





  • msbreviews


    "The End We Start From marks debutant Mahalia Belo as a filmmaker to follow closely in the coming years, despite the story not being imaginative or impactful enough to reach a higher level of satisfaction.

    With a substantial thematic sense, maternal symbolism is portrayed through Belo's contemplative vision, as well as Susie Lavelle's atmospheric cinematography. However, it's up to Jodie Comer and Katherine Waterston to carry the movie on their shoulders, which, unfortunately, lacks a better exploration of the climate crisis that it uses more as a narrative background trigger.

    A more memorable conclusion could have made the difference...""

    Rating: C+

    October 16, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    With a fairly biblical storm raging outside, an heavily pregnant mother (Jodie Comer) is sitting at home watching the telly. Power goes out, waters break then the struggle to get boyfriend (Joel Fry) and ambulance to hospital is the start of their woes. Leaving, they discover that huge swathes of England are under water so they head to higher ground and his parents. Fortunately, they have had a long ridiculed bit of a siege mentality so there's plenty of food but that's about all as the family units begin to disintegrate, just as society is doing at large elsewhere. The couple become separated and the un-named mother must now find safety for herself and her baby until some form of normality returns. This is another hugely emotional effort f...

    December 24, 2023
  • kateliz

    Environmental apocalypse survival story? Sign me up! I loved this movie. You don't often see mom's of newborns as the bravest people on the screen. Yet, true to life, don't mess with a mama bear! Whenever I watch something I look for clues if a woman wrote it or not. With this one I was 100% it was written by a woman and pleased to find out it was two! Also, a woman director, first feature, yay! I can tell the difference between how we write ourselves. I loved the chemistry between Comer & Waterston. I had never seen the latter actor before and this performance made we want to do a deep dive into her work. Both of them earned these parts for sure and did not rely on their beauty one bit in these performances. Strong women write strong women...

    February 7, 2024


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