Under the Skin

  • Thriller
  • Science Fiction
  • Drama




  • tanty

    Johansson makes a great performance in an unlikely role, adding great sensuality to the film, even with her very different looking.

    The story and movie on itself is a rarety. Very fresh but, also, kind of an unfinished joke.

    October 26, 2015
  • talisencrw

    This was a very bizarre and unique viewing experience for me. I greatly enjoy cinematic puzzles, and directors who have the wherewithal, guts and personal integrity to stick to their guns and project their distinct visions without caving in to corporate pressure or normal sensibilities. It is work like this at the cinematic vanguard that makes cinema the most aesthetic of all art forms and the greatest and most intrinsically satisfying component of my life. Though I have Glazer's previous two films, I have sadly not seen them yet, a condition I hope to remedy as soon as possible. A woman and actress of Johansson's beauty is perhaps one of only a select few currently out there who could pull this sort of thing off. And yes, this would make a...

    August 8, 2016
  • Rangan

    The lady from the white van.

    First of all, this is not an entertaining film, but an alien theme on a fictional plot like how they would come live among us. Before that, they need to look like us, so they steal human skins and that's what this film is about. Most of the film was in a van driving around in the Scottland. An alien disguised as a human, looking for the single men in the uncrowded places to seduce and steal their skins. But one day after got curious about being a human being, her routine work gets affected seriously and so what happens to her after is told in the remaining film.

    It's certainly not the film I was looking for. That's the reason I did not watch it when it got out. But I kind of liked it, it was not as bor...

    December 14, 2016
  • larz9

    A total artistic wank piece. The plot moves at a glacial speed, thanks to all the filler in it. Sure, it's about a curious alien living among humans and consuming them in some mysterious black fluid that only said alien can walk on.

    Other than that, it is absolutely boring as hell and totally lacking in any amount of entertainment. The cinematography itself is great though only in some limited moments. I have a thing for beautiful landscapes but let's be realistic, I watch National Geographic and BBC documentaries for that. Otherwise, a lengthy look out in thick white fog from within a motor vehicle is not my idea of an entertaining nor intriguing scene.

    In short. Absolute rubbish. After the first five minutes, I realised the glacial ...

    May 27, 2017
  • Geronimo1967

    Well hats off to Scarlett Johansson for agreeing to come filming in a wet and wintry Glasgow for this quite intriguing sci-fi drama. She drives around the city in her van, ostensibly on the prowl for horny young men looking for a quickie. Back at her's, though - and that's not always the same place - they find themselves in all together different sticky situation. There's no violence, or brutality - just a gentle, I suppose drowning, sensation. What is going on? Does she even know? Things begin to change after a trip to the forest that she encounters a gamekeeper who is more used to setting the pace rather than following. His attempt to rape her in the woods seems to act as a catalyst and... Now there is a conundrum here. Is her behaviour c...

    February 19, 2024


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