The Woodsman

  • Drama
  • Crime

Nothing can undo the past.

After twelve years in prison, Walter returns home. His family has abandoned him, save for his brother-in-law. Few know he's a sex offender and pedophile. Walter finds an apartment and is regularly visited by his parole officer. He gets a job at a lumber mill and starts seeing a coworker. Then his new world begins to unravel; as his past becomes known, he strikes up a high-risk friendship with a young girl and realizes that a man loitering near a schoolyard is a child molester prowling for his next victim.





  • Wuchak

    Great psychological study

    Released in 2004, "The Woodsman" tells the story of Walter (Kevin Bacon) who's trying to make a life for himself in Philadelphia after spending 12 years in prison due to his abnormal predilection for 10-12 year-old girls. When news gets out of why he was in prison it causes problems with his girlfriend (Kyra Sedgwick) and at his new job. Walter desperately seeks healing from his condition even while he occasionally flirts with his sick desires. On top of this is Walter's parole officer who doesn't believe the ex-con can be trusted in conventional society. Meanwhile Walter spots a pedophile preying on kids near the local elementary school. What should he do? And is there any hope for him to escape his condi...

    May 14, 2020


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