Little Nicky

  • Comedy
  • Fantasy

If your father was the Devil and your mother was an angel, you'd be messed up too.

After the lord of darkness decides he will not cede his throne to any of his three sons, the two most powerful of them escape to Earth to create a kingdom for themselves. This action closes the portal filtering sinful souls to Hell and causes Satan to wither away. He must send his most weak but beloved son, Little Nicky, to Earth to return his brothers to Hell.





  • Ruuz

    I don't like American Comedies, and I especially don't like Adam Sandler, but for whatever reason, I love Little Nicky. Maybe it's A) because I was big into the heavy-metal-heavy Satanic themes when I first saw it at a mere 7 years old, or maybe it's B) because of how young and therefore unrefined my taste was I was when I first saw it, or maybe C) it's just... Actually good?

    Almost certainly a combination of A and B.

    Final rating:½ - I really liked it. Would strongly recommend you give it your time.

    October 4, 2018
  • SoSmooth1982

    Different kind of role for Adam Sandler. He played it to perfection. He is the devil's son who doesn't even want him. His mother is an angel in heaven.

    July 10, 2023


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