[This film] is not about David Bowie. It's not about David Jones. It's Bowie in quotations. It's meant to be a mirror so that you, the audience, can see your own Bowie and reflect back upon your own life. Because, to me, the most exciting thing is that you can go and see a film about David Bowie and learn how to be a better parent or learn how to lead a more satisfying life- not that he went into the studio [with] [...] Freddie Mercury." - Brett Morgen to NME, 2022
Does anyone remember that David Bowie biopic, "Stardust", that was released in 2020? After being viciously ripped apart by fans and having its wide-release ruined by Covid-19, all to be critically massacred: I don't blame you. I tracked it down upon its small release and let's...