"Miles" (Seth Dunlap) has had some bad news... he has to process that, and in order to do so he heads to a remote cabin where he also entreats two of his, somewhat estranged, friends to join him. What he quickly learns when they arrive is that "Victor" (Cristian Gonzalez) and "Sammy" (Shane Howell) have now hooked up. What we now have to endure are a rather plodding series of character introspectives peppered with way too much dialogue, contrived arguments and some chemo with the stroppy young "Nick" (Andrew Tull). To be honest - much as I initially felt a little sympathy for "Miles" at the start - I could have cheerfully run over him with a lawn mower by the mid point and it's only downhill from here. Points go to "Sammy" for at least tryi...