A bad 80s Halloween flick, but at least it tries to entertain
As Tommy grows up in rural SoCal, hes negatively influenced by his dubious grandfather (Hy Pyke). When hes 21, the old man has a ritual scheduled for him on Halloween night. Naturally, his mother (Katina Garner), sister (Carla B.) and cop brother (Jeff Brown) oppose this. Everything culminates at the towns Halloween party.
Shot in the second half of November, 1986, "Hack-O-Lantern" wasnt released until late March, 1988, and then only in the UK, although it was eventually released to video. Alternative titles include Halloween Night, Death Mask and The Damning. Despite its low-budget vibe, it actually cost a whopping $5.5 million. I say whopping because the hailed Hal...