1918: The Spanish Flu

  • Documentary


In Spain, the worst known pandemic decimated the population, with 80% mortality among children. Spain was half empty. There are documents from the time that give us testimony, but why do we hardly know anything about this "Spanish flu"? Surely his study and knowledge would have helped us correct errors in later pandemics.



      • richardding1

        The title should have been:1918: The American Flu

        Although the origin of the 1918 flu is still divided, pundits generally believe that it originated in the United States, because the first recorded case occurred in Fort Reary Barracks in Kansas, in March 1918, and more than 500 American soldiers fell ill within a few days.

        The United States had entered the war by this time, and the epidemic was brought to France by American servicemen, and soon spread among the densely deployed troops. Military personnel of various countries, especially the British army, which had colonies around the world, spread infectious diseases around the world.

        When the outbreak of infectious diseases began in March 1918, all the participating countries did...

        March 21, 2023
