Reel Monsters

  • Family
  • Fantasy

Something big is about to happen.

Four teens are swept into the adventure of a lifetime involving a legendary creature and a mystery from the past that will change their lives forever.





      • tmdb28039023

        How incompetent is this movie? Two characters roaming the woods (there is a lot of woods-roaming here) separately are conversing via walkie-talkie, when one of them, whom we never see, marvels that All the birds they stopped making noise; the other one, who is onscreen, confirms that here too except that the soundtrack is all a-twitter with chirping noises. Doh!

        This occurs 40 Years Earlier. Earlier than what is not clear until we switch to the Present Day, so I guess what they meant was 40 Years Ago. Curiously, there is a Wonder Years-style narration provided by an older, future version of the protagonist, which of course means that the Present is also the past.

        The protagonists name is Cory, an amateur filmmaker not unlike the di...

        August 28, 2022
