Big George Foreman

  • History
  • Drama

When life gives you a second chance, don't do it for yourself. Do it for everyone you love.

Fueled by an impoverished childhood, George Foreman channeled his anger into becoming an Olympic Gold medalist and World Heavyweight Champion, followed by a near-death experience that took him from the boxing ring to the pulpit. But when he sees his community struggling spiritually and financially, Foreman returns to the ring and makes history by reclaiming his title, becoming the oldest and most improbable World Heavyweight Boxing Champion ever.





  • Geronimo1967

    Khris Davis is competent in this otherwise rather pedestrian and chronological biopic of this hugely enigmatic world heavyweight champion. We start with his youthful days when, as a substantial unit (Austin David Jones), he realises that his can settle matters with his fists more easily than he can with his brain. This, of course, leads to some time in juvey where he encounters "Doc" (Forest Whitaker) who cuts him some slack after he loses the plot with a guy who stole his sneakers, and enrols him at his boxing gym. What now ensues is history. His run of unbeaten fights, his development from small-time regional character to big-hitting title contender is rather rapidly gone through before we discover the adult character, married to Nancy (S...

    May 15, 2023


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