The Old Way

  • Western
  • Drama

You can outnumber him. But you can't outfight him.

An old gunslinger and his daughter must face the consequences of his past, when the son of a man he killed years ago arrives to take his revenge.





  • Wuchak

    Standard track-down to get justice Western with great scenery and one unique bit

    After a tragedy, a nigh-psychopathic shop owner in Wyoming (Nicolas Cage) teams-up with his precocious daughter (Ryan Kiera Armstrong) to set things aright. Nick Searcy plays the head marshal while Noah Le Gros and Clint Howard are on hand as villains.

    The Old Way (2023) mixes together the openings of The Outlaw Josey Wales and Unforgiven with the seasoned gunfighter/young girl protagonists of True Grit, along with the comic book villains of Hannie Caulder and the milieu of The Missouri Breaks (southwestern Montana, where it was shot). While its on par with Hannie Caulder its not quite on the level of greatness (or near-greatness) of the others. But...

    May 19, 2024

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