Fun Western Caper with Burt Reynolds, Angie Dickinson and Clint Walker
After being enlisted by a hot widow (Angie Dickinson), a former war spy (Burt Reynolds), a blacksmith (Ossie Davis) and an inventor (Clint Walker) team-up to salvage a treasure in gold bars from a sunken ship in the Platte River, a treasure the womans husband stole. They then have to return the gold bars to the Denver Mint before the phony bars are discovered and the womans family name is tarnished. But how will they get all those gold bars into the Mint without anyone noticing?
People tend to dub this a Western Comedy, but its not in the silly sense of "Blazing Saddles" (1974) "Texas Across the River" (1966) or "The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox" (1976). It'...