
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Meeting that special someone can be a real adventure.

Salt-of-the-earth Cole falls head over heels for enigmatic Sadie—but then makes the shocking discovery that she's a secret agent. Before they can decide on a second date, Cole and Sadie are swept away on an international adventure to save the world.





  • msbreviews


    "Ghosted is a tremendous catastrophe. When the only memorable moments of the entire film are the myriad cameos totally disconnected from the story itself, little else can be said about it. Visual effects, action, and script are a seriously shocking mess, to the point of affecting the performances and chemistry of a renowned cast. One of the worst editing works in recent years. One of the most prominent, frustrating wastes of talent in front of and behind the camera. Very far from the so bad its good status."

    Rating: D-

    April 21, 2023
  • mooney240

    Ghosteds comedic moments bring some good laughs, and its action entertains, but its indecisive tone gets distracting. Still, a decent entertaining spy comedy that wont blow your mind but isnt a bad way to pass the time.

    Ghosted wrestles with its tone as it decides whether its a goofy rom-com or a more serious spy thriller. While very much in the vein of Knight and Day or The Killers, Ghosted doesnt stay committed to comedy throughout. The jokes come and go, with Chris Evans taking most of the comedy side and Ana de Armas taking most of the action. The tone might be conflicted, but the fun never stops. Solid action sequences, car chases, exotic locations, and elegant gowns and suits - Ghosted has all the essential elements of a classi...

    April 21, 2023
  • YouShouldKnow

    The film fails to live up to its very alluring cast.

    Given the trailer, you might be intrigued to find the answer to the question "is there more than what I just saw?". Let me answer that for you: no. This is another braindead action movie that fulfills most of the tropes it has to. What's on the package is what's in the package.

    The only reason this didn't up a closed tab within 20 minutes was the cast and my inability to lift my lazy butt from the couch, which is what this film is good for: a lazy, braindead evening on the couch.

    May 5, 2023
  • TitanGusang

    Ghosted has been the target of internet criticism since the first scenes were published on social media, and while the film is not good, it is not nearly as bad as some make it out to be.

    The direction and visuals were all fairly good. The visuals looked fine for the majority of the film with no complaints whatsoever, including Ana de Armas wig. The direction was good, with some decent action choreography that was filmed pretty well, although there were a few scenes that suffered from too many jump cuts. I thought the intimate scene towards the beginning of the film was very stylistic and done really well. It was not just your standard grunts and moans that you see in so many films today.

    The story was very oddly paced. The beginning ...

    May 16, 2023


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