2-Headed Shark Attack

  • Horror
  • Action
  • Science Fiction
  • Comedy

1 Body, 2 Heads and 6,000 Teeth

A Semester at Sea ship is attacked and sunk by a mutated two-headed shark, and the survivors seek refuge on a deserted atoll. The coeds, however, are no longer safe when the atoll starts flooding.




  • Ruuz

    How is it that more people aren't talking about what is almost certainly the worst affront to the Killer-Shark-Creature-Feature genre? Don't get me wrong, there was absolutely no redeeming 2-Headed Shark Attack, it was awful, absolutely, but when in the climax of the whole thing, the animators FORGOT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE TWO HEADS, I went ballistic. I seriously had to rewind, because I thought, even in a movie this atrocious, they couldn't make that mistake, I mean, it's in the title of the movie, it's not possible... But not, they did. They replaced it with a regular shark model...

    Final rating:½ - So bad its offensive. I may never fully recover.

    July 10, 2017
  • mooney240

    Two-Headed Shark Attack forgot it was a dumb Syfy creature film and took itself too seriously - bad idea.

    I am a massive fan of low-budget, cheesy shark movies. So when I saw a goofy new shark movie named Two-Headed Shark Attack, I was obviously mesmerized. Part of the charm and delight of these shark movies is the self-awareness and love of the ridiculous goofiness that makes this subgenre so fun. Unfortunately, Two-Headed Shark Attack took itself too seriously to rise to the nonsensical fun of movies like Sharknado and Ghost Shark. This movie was smart to have plenty of expendable characters, but the kills were all the same; so much shaky cam and quick cuts that it lost any of its fun. With actors like Carmen Electra, Brooke Hogan,...

    November 26, 2022


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