Your Christmas or Mine?

  • Romance
  • Comedy


Students Hayley and James are young and in love. After saying goodbye for Christmas at a London train station, they both make the same mad split-second decision to swap trains and surprise each other. Passing each other in the station, they are completely unaware that they have just swapped Christmases.





  • Geronimo1967

    So "James" (Asa Butterfield) and girlfriend "Hayley" (Cora Kirk) are saying their goodbyes before heading to their respective families for Christmas. It's only when they are on their separate trains that they realise that they would rather be together, so - without telling each other - they board the other's train. Next thing, she arrives at his and he arrives at her's and what now ensues is a gently comedic tale that quite engagingly illustrates the joys and pains of the season. It turns out that neither have been being entirely honest with each other, or with their families - but can that all get ironed out in time for the turkey? Sure, the story is totally contrived and indulges in just about every Christmas stereotype you can imagine, b...

    December 3, 2022
  • r96sk

    Very good! I thoroughly enjoyed this.

    You never really know what to expect from Xmas films, especially those with (no disrespect intended whatsoever) unrecognisable (to me, of course) leads and those that are straight-to-streaming. 'Your Christmas Or Mine?' is, thankfully, a rather swell festive flick.

    Asa Butterfield and Cora Kirk are a good pairing, though given the plot don't actually spend too much time together onscreen. Butterfield has more to work with, his side of the plot is very much more fleshed out. As such Kirk does well with her scenes.

    As noted this is my first time watching Butterfield [actually, technically I've seen a ~13-year-old him in '<a href="" rel="nofollow">N...

    December 5, 2022


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