Hit the Road

  • Comedy
  • Drama


A chaotic family is on a road trip across a rugged landscape. In the back seat, Dad has a broken leg, Mom tries to laugh when she's not holding back tears, and the youngest keeps exploding into car karaoke. Only the older brother is quiet.





  • Geronimo1967

    Little brother Rayan Sarlak steals the show in this otherwise rather unremarkable road trip story. It depicts a family travelling in their car, squabbling, bickering and generally winding each other up. Only the quiet elder brother (Amin Simiar) tries to stay out of the constant barrage of activity that accompanies their journey across the Iranian desert. Now I suppose the thing for me was that I found the whole thing actually quite irritating. Perhaps that is testament to the observational skills of director Panah Panahi and, indeed, to the ensemble cast who manage to recreate quite successfully the storyline of a family road trip that would simply put the fear of death into me. Add to this rather dysfunction mix, a sick dog, and somehow t...

    September 3, 2022


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