
  • Thriller
  • Drama
  • Mystery

The quieter the street, the darker the secrets....

Kale is a 17-year-old placed under house arrest after punching his teacher. He is confined to his house, and decides to use his free time spying on his neighbors. Things start to get weird when guests enter the Turner's house and don't come back out. Kale and his friends, Ronnie and Ashley, start to grow more and more interested in what is actually happening within the house of Robert Turner.





  • John Chard

    Oh my god, you've made the tower of Twinkie! Is that in a stalker's handbook somewhere?

    As the all mighty great and powerful Hollywood continued to mine "Hitchcock's" works for inspiration, they landed upon the idea of re-imaging "Rear Window" for a modern audience. Directed by D.J. Caruso, Disturbia actually turns out to be a solid suspense thriller. The first half of the pic is all jocular with hormonal character introductions that come with giggly slices of humour, and then there's the big shift to the thriller that most viewers were expecting, as the makers manage to pull it off with a great final act that is edge of the seat viewing.

    There's nothing new on offer here, the formula has been (and will for ever more be) done a zilli...

    May 23, 2020


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