Edge of the World

  • Drama
  • Adventure
  • History

The true story that inspired The Man Who Would Be King

Sarawak, in the northeast of the island of Borneo, 1839. Almost by chance, the British adventurer James Brooke is appointed rajah by the Sultan of Brunei, and as an independent ruler he embarks on a personal crusade to eradicate piracy, slavery and headhunting, while trying to curb the malevolent expansionist ambitions of the British Empire.




      • Geronimo1967

        I used to collect coins and always remember the Sarawak ones with "J. Brooke - Rajah" on them. Well this is a story of that very man. At the height of British colonial expansion, James Brooke (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) arrives in a land terrorised by marauding pirates with Col. Cruikshank (Dominic Monaghan) and his enthusiastic young cousin Charley (Otto Farrant) where they are quickly embroiled in the political and murderous machinations of the manipulative Prince Mahkota (Bront Palarae) and of his more benign cousin Prince Badruddin (Samo Rafael). What now ensues is actually quite a decent jungle adventure that looks at just how this man, steeped in British ambitious and aspirations gradually went native. He wanted to stop the piracy and the ...

        November 6, 2023
