White savages vs. noble savage with Michele Carey and Henry Silva
A young lady is manhandled after a stagecoach robbery in Arizona and left for dead (Carey), but a solitary Apache patiently sees to her restoration (Silva). They eventually team-up to pursue justice. John Anderson plays the righteous lawman that heads the posse while Keenan Wynn is on hand as the leader of the thug scum.
"The Animals" (1970), also known as Five Savage Men, is an obscure B Western that was the blueprint for "Hannie Caulder" (1971) and "I Spit on Your Grave" (1978). Michele was 27 during shooting and one of the most beautiful women on earth at the time. You might remember her from El Dorado (1966), Live a Little, Love a Little (1968) and Dirty Ding...