Jean Harlow is the ambitious "Lil". She takes a bit of an interest in her boss "Bill" (Chester Morris) whose marriage she sets out to destroy. He is a bit hapless, and though he genuinely loves his wife "Irene" (Leila Hyams) he is still played like a fiddle by his former assistant. Once she has achieved her goal, however, her attentions begin to wander and poor old businessman "Gaerste" (Henry Stepehnson) and down-to-earth chauffeur "Albert" (Charles Boyer) are soon in her sights. The story here isn't so remarkable, it's the role reversal that works well. Harlow is a natural as the outwardly flighty, but actually rather shrewd lady who knows what she wants, and is prepared to use her guile and her smile to get it. Katharine Brush's book als...