Texas Chainsaw 3D

  • Horror
  • Thriller

Resurrecting The Saw.

A young woman learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her deceased grandmother. After embarking on a road trip with friends to uncover her roots, she finds she is the sole owner of a lavish, isolated Victorian mansion. But her newfound wealth comes at a price as she stumbles upon a horror that awaits her in the mansion’s dank cellars.





  • mooney240

    Texas Chainsaws big twist asked the audience to make an absurd leap that most will not be willing to make.

    I mean its a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie, so you know what youll get. In some ways, I liked it more than some of the others, but the twist that Leatherface is a wronged victim was just dumb. The lead character finds out she is cousins with Leatherface and sympathizes and begins to care for him as his guardian? After he brutally sawed one of her friends in half in front of her? After he tried to murder her? After he got her boyfriend killed and cut pieces from her best friend? I mean, I dont expect much from these movies, but that is a leap I just cant make with you. Just stick with the chainsaw maniac being a bad guy and not a misunderstood vigilante.

    September 14, 2022


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