
  • Drama
  • Romance


The story of Joseph, a man plagued by violence and a rage that is driving him to self-destruction. As Joseph's life spirals into turmoil a chance of redemption appears in the form of Hannah, a Christian charity shop worker. Their relationship develops to reveal that Hannah is hiding a secret of her own with devastating results on both of their lives.





  • themoviediorama

    Tyrannosaur harnesses predatory aggression in the pursuit of redemption. Abhorrence. Resentment. Vehemence. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was supposedly both apex predator and pure scavenger, a creature with vastly powerful jaws that vanquished the innocence of flora and fauna. Considines directorial debut depicts the uncompromising wake of destructive behaviour. The hollow remains of melancholic shells, optimistic perspectives absorbed by choleric tendencies of begrudged souls. The bitterness of tainted realities corrupting the individuals who follow faith. Samaritans. The helpful aiding the helpless. A religious follower, Hannah, working at a charity shop, offering solace to a detestable man, Joseph.

    A racist. An antisocial behaviourist. A wou...

    January 16, 2020
  • Geronimo1967

    "Joseph" (Peter Mullen) has just buried his dog in his garden on a council estate where many of his fellow residents are like him - angry, violent and full of despair. After being beaten up on the street, he takes refuge in a nearby charity shop where he befriends the lady who works there. "Hannah" (Olivia Colman) is a woman of deep Christian faith who sees good in everyone and when he begins to visit regularly, the two begin to bond a little. What he doesn't know, but we do, is that she is married to "James" (Eddie Marsan) and he's a nasty piece of work. His discovery of this quite shocking news brings both of them to fairly startling realisations that lead both to differing forms of quite drastic action. Mullen isn't exactly versatile, he...

    April 10, 2024


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