The Desperate Hour

  • Thriller

Time is running out.

A woman desperately races to save her child after police place her hometown on lockdown due to an active shooter incident.





  • tmdb28039023

    Just the other day I was appalled at how the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre invokes a real-life tragedy such as a high school shooting to justify its brand of gratuitous violence. On the other side of the spectrum is a film like The Desperate Hour a reminder that the most powerful stories about such tragic events dont focus on violence but on people. The Desperate Hour (which never even makes it physically to the school) doesnt reach the virtuoso heights of Gus Van Sants Elephant or Denis Villeneuves Polytechnique, and it fails to do so because it botches the third act, but remains nonetheless a poignant effort.

    Naomi Watts deserves quite a bit of credit for a performance that is as demanding physically as it is emotionally. She is in ever...

    August 28, 2022
  • Ditendra

    I was hoping that it would be another great movie playing Naomi Watts as I love most movies she's in, but sadly this one isn't one of them. This movie was super boring. It's basically Naomi Watts walking and talking on phone whole time. I couldn't endure it and just stopped watching it after 30 minutes or so and then fast forwarded and and all movie she's walking and talking on phone.

    November 4, 2022


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