Idaho Transfer

  • Science Fiction

The future is a great place to visit.....

During a time of waning global resources, a crew of young researchers travel into the future to escape an apocalypse before the shutdown of their time transfer project. They find that some type of disaster has de-populated the Idaho region and, by implication, the nation or perhaps the world.




      • talisencrw

        With recent global warming causing unpredictable weather patterns worldwide, and documentary films such as 'Chasing Ice' and 'An Inconvenient Truth' bringing more awareness to environmental issues, it reminds me of the plethora of sci-fi and dystopian movies that bombarded theatre screens as I was growing up in Canada in the 70's. Most of the ilk, perhaps to necessitate dramatic strength for the film's structure, maybe due to civil unrest from political turmoil worldwide in the late 60's, presented a future extremely difficult to endure and preciously doubtful to either survive or maintain. 'Idaho Transfer' was no exception.

        Director Fonda was obviously very talented, and the cinematography is beautiful for such a low-budget piece. The t...

        April 20, 2016
