Ilya Kormilstev. In Search Of The Whole Person

  • Documentary


September 26, 2018 would have turned 60 years old Ilya Kormiltsev - an outstanding poet, brilliant translator, prose writer, essayist, literary and musical critic, a multifaceted publisher, a person of the broadest culture - a personality not just bright and large, but legendary in his own way. Ilya Kormiltsev (1959-2007) is widely known as the main lyricist of the Sverdlovsk rock group Nautilus Pompilius. After his early death in the UK at the age of 47, several memoir documentaries were made about him. And now - fortunately, he predicted a lot - the first results of his life and cultural contribution are being summed up in the most unexpected directions. The authors of the picture will try to find a worldview vector that united these so different occupations, but which became the fate of our wonderful contemporary and compatriot.
