• Science Fiction
  • Drama


A sci-fi family drama is set in two time frames: the deep future, that is left with no future, and the near future, that will bring about the eventual dystopian collapse of society. Protagonist Lew Aron survives both time frames and is set to discover a potential outlet to confront his innermost desire, or what’s left of it.




  • LittleGravitas

    I read an ASC Short Takes article on this sometime last year and must've bookmarked the Vimeo page for later perusal. That later is now.

    ARXIV over-relies on CGI, something I find irritating especially when it's sloppyas is frequently the case here. It's possible to tell a good science fiction story without decadent levels of production design. If a unique style one of a film's major facets, go ahead. Otherwise, I'd argue it's preferable to tone things down.

    It doesn't help that they stuck with a generic Blade Runner/Star Wars sequels aesthetic. If there's one thing I did appreciate, it is their tendency to model technology for aesthetic appeal and not futurological "accuracy." Consider the clinic receptionist's antique accounting mac...

    July 21, 2020


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