
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy

Ted is coming.

John Bennett, a man whose childhood wish of bringing his teddy bear to life came true, now must decide between keeping the relationship with the bear or his girlfriend, Lori.





  • Gnislew

    Gerade in der Originalfassung ist Ted ein anarchischer Spaß. Seth MacFarlane, der neben seiner Regiearbeit auch noch Ted spricht, hat ihr einen Film erschaffen, in dem kein Blatt vor den Mund genommen wird und vor allem davon lebt, dass Ted einfach in jeder Szene auf die eine oder andere Art daneben benimmt. Immer einen fiesen Spruch auf den Lippen sprudeln die Beleidigungen und unangebrachten Sätze nur so aus Ted heraus und wenn man bei menschlichen Protagonisten schnell das Gefühl hat, dass dieses Verhalten zu viel des Guten ist, kommt dies bei Ted nicht vor. Dies mag daran liegen, dass Ted eben ein Teddybär ist und man so ein Verhalten von einem Kuscheltier eben nicht erwartet.

    Erstaunlich ist auch, wie gut Mark Wahlberg (Shooter, Vie...

    March 23, 2016
  • tmdb27219454

    Ted is THE poster child for the fact that every great concept doesn't automatically become a guaranteed winning project once it leaves the drawing board. This movie SCREAMS "Here's a great idea, but we just didn't know what to do with it." Whether it was because of lack of imagination or too many tokes on the community bong, nobody will ever know.

    Having a movie about a real-live Teddy Bear existing in the every day life of a 30-something underachiever sounds like a winning formula. However after the first few moments, the movie stalls, the dialog gets stale quickly and the majority of the story revolves around Ted getting high and/or trying to bang shallow, attractive women (even though Hasbro didn't include on him full, working equipme...

    August 3, 2019
  • Kamurai

    Great watch, will watch again, and do recommend.

    This is a stupid movie, it doesn't mean it's bad: it's not a great movie, but it is entertaining. I love stupid humor and dirt comedy, basically absurdist comedy which Seth MacFarlane excels at.

    The cast is great, and I think it would have been a very different movie if they had used anyone else in any role.

    The concept alone is unique and refreshing, "Did you see the movie about the teddy bwear that came to life?", that's this movie. You almost owe it to yourself to see such a unique concept.

    And they they do some fantastically structure humor mixed with some rather contrastingly serious romantic drama. They even mix in a touch of horror, and I was even able to get into it, de...

    June 13, 2021


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