Honk If You're Special

  • Animation
  • Family

Adventure! Drama! Spit!!!

Climb aboard the ark as a wacky group of animals embark on an amazing voyage.





  • levilaurence

    I added this onto TMDB specifically so I could put down that I had seen it on Letterboxd. I can't remember how we stumbled upon this, but some friends and I saw the, can I say batshit crazy, poster on Google images. I believe it says, erroneously I hope, "Adventure! Drama! Spit!!!" and features the main cast in the background piled on top of each other, for reasons I cannot begin to understand. There is very little information I can find about this film online, but the stuff I have found has been fascinating and strange. It seems to have been planned to be a part of a series called "Tails From the Ark," that I guess got cancelled as a result of this first film totally flopping. I've found a few different releases, including VHS tapes, dvds,...

    June 28, 2020

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