Survive the Night

  • Action
  • Thriller


A disgraced doctor and his family are held hostage at their home by criminals on the run, when a robbery-gone-awry requires them to seek immediate medical attention.





    • Fullmakt

      Oh how the mighty have fallen. It's not that Frank (Bruce Willis) does that bad a role, but some of his co-actors really should look for a day job. There are two scenes in particular that will just make you laugh, even though they are not meant to.

      The first is a scene where Jan (Lydia Hull) is running for her life across the garden, well, that's what it's supposed to look like anyway, but instead it's a pathetic tiptoe across the lawn into the woods.

      The second, and really the worst scene is where Frank (Bruce Willis) is helping Rich (Chad Michael Murray) into the barn. Rich has recently received a gunshot wound to the shoulder, but apparently that has caused him to get cerebral parese as well judging by the way he walks. The subse...

      June 13, 2020
    • JPV852

      Paint-by-numbers and utterly predictable home-invasion like thriller has some average performances including Bruce Willis who makes his (in my own collection at last) 12th one of these direct-to-video flicks from Grindstone Entertainment and gives it his least. Not terrible and I don't mind a simplistic thriller but this one had low energy and characters making dumb decisions. Beyond that, confusingly seems like the filmmakers want to provide some sympathy of the antogonists, one a complete psychopath who killed two women in cold blood...

      From what I read, apparently Bruce Willis gets something like $1M a day for these movies, with no publicity obligations. Must be nice.

      Not terrible and I've certainly seen worse, but like most Grinds...

      July 19, 2020
