The Curtain Rises

  • Comedy
  • Drama

"I was seventeen, I'm not anymore because you are and seventeen is not for everyone at the same time!"

1938, France, Paris, at the Superior Conservatory of Dramatic Art ("Conservatoire Supérieur d'Art Dramatique"). The first-year entrance exams are in full swing. Many applicants, few accepted. Isabelle (Janine Darcey) is one of the few chosen. She joins former students from the second and third years, including François (Claude Dauphin) and Cécilia (Odette Joyeux). They attend the drama class run by Professor Lambertin (Louis Jouvet). The young people, passionate and eager to become comedians, clash in tumultuous love affairs, because by dint of acting, they imagine that life is a farce. François, for example, is in love with Isabelle, who also loves him, but is pursued by Cecilia, his former mistress... "Put art in your life and life in your art!"



      • VinceBass

        The Curtain Rises (1938) - (Oriignal french title : « Entrée des artistes »)

        (Please note that some of the following content reveals part of the film's plot)


        And who better than Louis Jouvet to play the role of "Lambertin", a drama teacher? A renowned actor of stage and screen, Jouvet possesses a natural authority and leaves no doubt that he knows what he's talking about, although his character is far from sympathetic. The harshness of his teaching is merely an antechamber to prepare, if not select, for the difficulty of the future life of actors, of which only a small number will be able to lay claim. The rest will have to find another profession.

        Jouvet is surrounded by a ...

        January 15, 2024
