Force of Nature

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Crime
  • Thriller

When the perfect crime meets the perfect storm.

A gang of thieves plan a heist during a hurricane and encounter trouble when a disgraced cop tries to force everyone in the building to evacuate.




  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free reviews, please follow my blog @

    One of the worst movies I've seen in my entire life! No, I'm not going to ease you in. I literally spent ninety minutes of my weekend feeling frustrated, angry, stressed out, and genuinely annoyed at how many aspects Force of Nature is horrible at. This is an atrocious film in every imaginable way. There's no redeeming quality or a little tiny positive note. I'm going to be as straightforward as I can. I'm not going to waste the usual time I need to write a review, this one will be written in less than fifteen minutes.

    First of all, the narrative. This movie is about a group of thieves that attempt to steal something from a building durin...

    June 30, 2020
  • JPV852

    Passable suspense-thriller ruined by an unsatisfying, and predictable, ending, not to mention all the smiles in the final scene given what transpired before. Even so, some of the fights were okay and it's a basic story but for the most part I was entertained.

    I think this is Gibson's first foray into DTV territory and at least shows some charm (disclaimer here for separating art from artist cliche) playing grisly ex-cop. Will be interesting to see if he shows the same commitment in his next DTV flick. Also, I suspect this role was originally offered to Bruce Willis but seeing he would have to get wet, passed...

    Oh, as for Kate Bosworth, she's working her way through playing the daughter of washed-up actors. First was Life on the Line ...

    July 23, 2020
  • tmdb15435519

    From Mel Gibson's worst fake smokers cough I have ever heard to every line delivered by Emile Hirsch making me cringe, this is one of the worst action/crime films I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through. I was about to take a hiatus from films but I'll have to watch something else because I can't end on this horrendous note. Seriously, I didn't know a mainstream film with this many stars could be this bad.

    Trust my review: don't waste your time on this. You will regret it.

    July 14, 2021
  • Geronimo1967

    I vaguely recall a news story some years ago about the discovery of an whole load of old masters in the room of a gent who had hoarded them after the end off WWII. Maybe that is what inspired this otherwise shockingly weak and far-fetched detective thriller. The cringingly poor Emile Hirsch ("Cardillo") is posted to Puerto Rico after a fatal accident killed his cop-girlfriend. It is here, teamed up with "Jess" (Stephanie Cayo) that they become embroiled in a heist, in the midst of an hurricane, that sees them held hostage by some ruthless robbers in search of a room full of art in an ordinary residential block. Luckily, though, retired officer "Ray" (Mel Gibson) is on hand to help them survive. What Gibson is doing in this is anyone's guess...

    July 6, 2022


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