Tail Sting

  • Action
  • Horror
  • Thriller

Don't Fasten Your Seatbelt!

A pack of massive genetically altered Scorpions escape containment on an airplane, turning passengers into victims and forcing one ordinary woman to confront her worst fears.




      • Wuchak

        Scorpions on a Plane five years before Snakes on a Plane

        Passengers & crew on a flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles have to contend with mutated scorpions inadvertently released from the cargo bay.

        Tail Sting (2001) is an amusing creature feature on a direct-to-video budget. Armchair critics write it off as cheesy low-budget monster dreck and, I suppose, thats what it is. But at least its legitimately funny in a droll way.

        The female cast is okay with Laura Putney (Jennifer), Shirly Brener (Shannon) and Tara Price (Courtney). They coulda been utilized better.

        The setting is too one-dimensional and the non-CGI effects are quaint, but there are just enough thrills for a throwaway flick with a TV budget. I cant help wonder ...

        December 4, 2023
