
  • Comedy
  • Romance




  • msbreviews


    "Bros is a genuine, authentic, insanely hilarious breath of fresh air. Clever satirical comedy rips out loud back-to-back laughs throughout the entire runtime without ever causing viewers to lose their ear-to-ear smile.

    Billy Eichner and Luke Macfarlane share more chemistry than hundreds of leads in as many rom-coms. It doesn't shy away from the familiar formulas and cliches of the genre, but it contains a compelling romance and a truly interesting story, paying homage to the LGTBQ+ community along the way.

    One of the best films of the year!"

    Rating: A-

    October 17, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    As a man who really struggles with romcoms at the best of times, I was rather nervous about this. Actually, though, it steers clear of some (though not all) of the gay stereotypes and presents us with a genuinely quite funny love story about two forty-somethings who meet in a nightclub. One, "Bobby" (Billy Eichner) is a ordinary looking, gobby podcaster and activist who is trying to raise the money needed for an American National LGBTQ+ museum. The other is "Aaron" (Luke Macfarlane) - a lawyer who spends a fair amount of time on the cross-fit. They wouldn't appear to be the most natural of fits but a series of brief encounters on their opening night coupled with a fair degree of sarcasm and a kiss sets the tone for what happens next. Certai...

    October 20, 2022
  • GenerationofSwine

    I'll be honest, I'm not Gay and I did not watch this movie. But, it's not because I'm straight that I didn't watch it, it's not because Rom-Coms aren't something that appeals to be to start with and Gay Rom-Coms appeal even less to me than straight Rom-Coms.

    No, I didn't watch this because I didn't want another lecture and i didn't want to support another lecture.

    And to the utter surprise of absolutely no one, we got the inevitable lecture, we were told once again how absolutely evil all straight white males are because they are straight white and male, rather than being another race, female, or Gay.

    Pro-Tip Hollywood, if you want to make movies that people pay to see, don't make movies that people are going to take one look at a...

    March 11, 2023
  • screenzealots

    By: Louisa Moore /

    I didnt expect much out of co-writer and director Nicholas Stollers Bros, a film billed as the first mainstream gay romantic comedy. In the wrong hands, a film with such lofty ambitions could feel like an overreach in political correctness or an exercise in forced representation. Thankfully the project is neither, and it makes great strides in further normalizing homosexual relationships onscreen.

    Podcaster and new head of the countrys first LGBTQ+ history museum Bobby (Billy Eichner) is a cynical gay man living in New York. Hes never had a relationship that lasted more than a couple of months, and hes not really out and about looking for love. After some random hookups, Bobby meets a hunky...

    April 23, 2023
  • EvilWayz

    This would have been a terrible movie even if it was about straight people. Billy Eichner is just not likeable in or out of character and the story was utterly predictable.

    Plus the claim that it's the first gay rom com is ridiculous. The Birdcage, ever heard of it?

    This film is eminently forgettable and preachy to boot. You want to watch a romantic comedy with gay male leads? The Birdcage.

    August 31, 2024


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