Very much a poor relation of the other Brabourne/Goodwin crime ("Death on the Nile" (1978) etc.) thrillers, this just doesn't ever really ignite. Angela Lansbury takes on the mantle of super-sleuth "Miss Marple" who is helping her nephew "Insp. Craddock" (Edward Fox) investigate the mysterious poisoning of the rather star-struck "Miss Babcock" (Maureen Bennett). Starstruck? Well so would we be if the local manor house was being inhabited by Elizabeth Taylor ("Marina") and her husband "Jason" (Rock Hudson). They are re-making "The Virgin Queen" with Miss Taylor wearing the crown and Kim Novak picking up the Joan Collins part in the film, and who is married to producer "Fenn" (Tony Curtis) for the purpose of this drama. Whodunit? Well there's...