Critters Attack!

  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction
  • TV Movie

Everyone is on the menu

Mysterious alien Critters have crash-landed in a small college town, devouring every living thing they encounter. Drea and the kids she's babysitting must try desperately to save themselves from the ravenous, rolling beasts. Will Drea discover her inner badass, and will it be enough to stop the Critter onslaught?





  • Ruuz

    The low point for the Critters franchise. Surpassing the third film to become the new bottom rung on the ladder. Wouldn't have been surprised to learn that the creatives behind Critters Attack! had been given only a passing overview on the four films preceding it.

    Final rating: - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product.

    August 25, 2019
  • dalboz

    "Critters Attack!" is a strange film to review. I honestly think this film was not made with reviews in mind. No, I mean really not made with reviews in mind, because it's hard to get a bead on what they were truly going for here. It seems like a reboot, but then Dee Wallace is in it and indicates that the Crites have been around before, although she behaves more like Lee from the first two films so maybe she's really Terrence Mann in disguise (who is conspicuously absent; I was waiting for him to pop up as it just doesn't feel like a Critters movie without Terrence Mann)...I don't know. So, let's break this down.

    To start, you'll notice that, to the film's credit, they stick to primarily to practical effects. This is good as it's trying...

    September 16, 2019


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